
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Trek to the Holy Tango

My brother inlaw (eldest sister's husband) passed away untimely after a prolonged illness on 15th August 2014. He was sixty three years old. 

Today, just one day before his first seven days ritual, my nephew (the deceased's second son) and one of my other brother inlaws (younger sister's husband) decided to take the offerings for butter lamp to the holy Tango monastery. 

After a short drive to the base, we were ready for a steep trek uphill. However, to our pleasant surprise, the footpath were permanently built with cement and flat stones right from the base parking area upto the doorsteps of the monastery. Added to this, the entire footpath were beautifully maintained with resting places at frequent intervals, miniature chortens, hanging flower gardens and many other pleasantries. However, the highlight of the entire trek up the steep footpath was the messages of compassion and the teachings of Lord Buddha. Any person who cared to observe them and took the time to read the entire messages would feel a sense of deep spiritual change in him. I felt it!

The miniature map of Tango at the start of the trek painted on a small rock. 

The following pictures are the miniature models of the real ones dotting the entire stretch of footpath uphill. They were simply amazing:

The messages for the Trekkers with the teachings of Lord Buddha :

Some other feast for the eyes:

And finally, after a pleasant trek, we were warmly treated to a sumptuous tea and lunch by the monks at the monastery.

We felt truly blessed!

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